如何理解National Occupational Classification
不论是CEC,还是FSW,大部分的移民类别都要求申请人有至少1年的工作经验,并且职位为NOC 0, A, B类。
NOC是National Occupational Classification的缩写,最新的版本为2016版本(之前是NOC 2011)。
以FSW为例,“Your work experience must be at Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B of the 2016 National Occupational Classification".
这里所说的Skill Level和Skill Type是指什么呢?我们又该如何从NOC code中来分辨呢?
Skill Type
"Skill type is defined as the type of work performed.
0. Management occupations
This skill type category contains legislators, senior management occupations and middle management occupations."
这段话是直接从NOC官网摘抄下来的。也就是说,NOC Skill Type 0类工作,通常是指经理级别或以上的职位。
NOC总共包含了10种Skill Type,包括:
Skill Type 0: Management occupations
Skill Type 1: Business, finance and administration occupations
Skill Type 2: Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
Skill Type 3: Health occupations
Skill Type 4: Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Skill Type 5: Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
Skill Type 6: Sales and service occupations
Skill Type 7: Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Skill Type 8: Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations
Skill Type 9: Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
NOC四位编码的第一位,即是由相应的Skill Type来决定的。换句话说,Skill Type 0类职位,都是以数字0来开头的。
如:NOC 0111 Financial Managers,NOC 0211 Engineering Managers,等等。
Skill Level
"Skill level is defined first of all by the amount and type of education and training required to enter and perform the duties of an occupation."
NOC总共包含了4种Skill Level,分别为:
Skill Level A(通常需要大学学历)
Skill Level B(通常需要2-3年大专学历)
Skill Level C(通常需要高中学历)
Skill Level D(无学历要求)
这4个Skill Level相对应的数字分别为:
Skill Level A - 0 or 1
Skill Level B - 2 or 3
Skill Level C - 4 or 5
Skill Level D - 6 or 7
NOC四位编码的第二位,即是由相应的Skill Level来决定的。换句话说,Skill Level A和B的职位,第二位必须为:0,1,2或3。
如:NOC 2131 Civil Engineers(A类职位),NOC 1242 Legal Assistants(B类职位),NOC 6322 Cooks(B类职位)。
(小编粗略算了一算,除去要求比较高的0类职位,按NOC code来分总共有306个符合移民要求的职位,这306个职位下,还会细分不同的titles……细思极恐,简直多到吓人。)
NOC Job Description
看完了NOC code怎么分,我们现在来看一下每个职位点开后的页面。
Lead statement
Example titles
Main duties
Employment requirements
Lead statement中提供的有用信息包括:
Example titles则是提供该职位下有可能存在的不同title。在NOC 1242下,涵盖了不同类别的legal assistant,如:real estate legal assistant, litigation legal assistant, litigation secretary, estate secretary等等。
Main duties会详细描述该职位的工作职责。这部分尤为重要,因为移民局在判断申请人的工作是否符合所claim的NOC类别时,将以此作为主要依据。
Employment requirements列举的是该职位通常对学历、相关培训以及行业资格证。除部分必须“持证上岗”的职位外,这一部分的信息并非强制性的,仅作参考用。