Immigration and Refugees Protection Regulations第130 (1)条规定,担保人必须:
对于第3条,担保人必须居住在加拿大的规定,IRPR第130 (2)条又解释了,如果担保人是公民(不是PR),则可豁免此项规定。
被担保人的身份为:配偶,common-law partner或未成年子女,并且
130(1) A sponsor … must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who
(a) is at least 18 years of age
(b) resides in Canada
Sponsor not residing in Canada
(2) A sponsor who is a Canadian citizen and does NOT reside in Canada may sponsor a foreign national who … is the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child …, if the sponsor will reside in Canada when the foreign national becomes a permanent resident.
在此基础上,IRPR第130 (3)条规定,如果,担保人的PR或公民身份,是通过被前任配偶或common-law partner担保获得的,那么,在担保人获得PR身份的5年之内,不得进行配偶或common-law partner担保申请。
也就是说,假如申请人A,是通过被前女友B担保而获得的PR身份。一年后,A后与前女友B分手,找到了新的女朋友C,并与C结婚。A在5年内(从成为PR那天起算)不得对C 进行配偶担保。
Five-year requirement
(3) A sponsor who became a PR or Canadian citizen after being sponsored as a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner … may NOT sponsor a foreign national … as a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, unless the sponsor has been a permanent resident … for a period of at least FIVE YEARS …
另一项与“时间”有关的规定,在application guide中可以非常容易的找到:
You may NOT be able to sponsor if you …
are sponsoring a spouse or partner but you signed an undertaking for a previous spouse or partner and it hasn’t been three years since they became a permanent resident
R133(1)(c),收到遣返令(subject to a removal order)。
R133(1)(d),如目前被羁押在教养所或监狱(parole, probation及suspended sentence除外)。
Requirements for sponsor
133(1) The sponsor …
(e) has not been convicted under the Criminal Code of
(i) an offence of a sexual nature, or an attempt or a threat to commit such an offence, against any person,
(i.1) an indictable offence involving the use of violence and punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years, or an attempt to commit such an offence, against any person, or
(ii) an offence that results in bodily harm, as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, to any of the following persons or an attempt or a threat to commit such an offence against any of the following persons:
(A) a current or former family member of the sponsor,
(B) a relative of the sponsor, as well as a current or former family member of that relative,
(C) a relative of the family member of the sponsor, or a current or former family member of that relative,
(D) a current or former conjugal partner of the sponsor,
(E) a current or former family member of a family member or conjugal partner of the sponsor,
(F) a relative of the conjugal partner of the sponsor, or a current or former family member of that relative,
(G) a child under the current or former care and control of the sponsor, their current or former family member or conjugal partner,
(H) a child under the current or former care and control of a relative of the sponsor or a current or former family member of that relative, or
(I) someone the sponsor is dating or has dated, whether or not they have lived together, or a family member of that person;
(f) has not been convicted outside Canada of an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence referred to in paragraph (e)
R133(1)(g),没有违反过担保人协议(sponsorship undertaking)的规定,如:被担保人在担保期内接收过social assistance,也没有过拒绝支付赡养费的记录。
R133(1)(k),没有在接收social assistance(残疾原因除外)。